
Where can I find sample packet captures?

2 min read

CloudShark’s capture repository is great for uploading your own captures and building a complete list of your network capture history and all of the captures that are most important to you. But, one of the most frequent questions we get is “Where can I find sample packet captures?“”

Here’s our favorite resources for finding sample packet captures of various protocols and scenarios:

Jeremy Stretch runs the blog There you can find a comprehensive collection of packet captures on more than 100 different protocols.

Even better, his captures will automatically load in CloudShark! It’s almost like having your own repository right here.


Chris Sanders on github

Chris Sanders is a packet analysis and infosec expert and author of the book Practical Packet Analysis. He also has a great podcast called Source Code.

Chris maintains a collection of captures that he uses as examples elsewhere. It’s a great resource for sample captures.


NETRESEC is a company that makes various network monitoring and analysis tools that produce or utilize pcaps. They’ve put together a great list of links to other pcap repositories from various pages and research sources.

Perhaps the most obvious sources of example captures is on the wiki. This list is frequently updated and well curated.

Those are our go-to’s. Do you have a favorite packet capture repository you’d like listed? Throw us an email at and let us know.

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