
CDRouter release 11.2 - L2GRE, Wi-Fi improvements, live network packet capture, and more

February 06, 2019 • 2 min read

CDRouter 11.2 adds powerful new functionality to make testing enterprise gateways, cloud-dependent routers, and the latest standardized Wi-Fi APs more comprehensive than ever before. You can read the full release notes to see everything we’ve added.


Wi-Fi improvements through the NTA1000v6

The NTA1000v6 has been released, giving CDRouter even more power on the latest hardware and adding support for 802.11ac Wave 2. In addition to Wave 2 support, CDRouter 11.2 lets you perform Wi-Fi scaling tests on any of the system’s 3 Wi-Fi interfaces.

Want the latest CDRouter hardware? Be sure to reach out to


See how your DUT behaves with live network packet capture

CDRouter ICS is built to test and analyze devices that require an active Internet connection to function properly, even during testing. We’ve added the ability to generate isolated packet captures of the live network traffic flowing through the CDRouter ICS connection. This gives developers the ability to troubleshoot cloud dependent features of their devices, as well as analyze devices under test for unusual or undesirable behavior.

Coupled with our enhanced packet capture viewer powered by CS TraceFrame by CloudShark, this feature sets the stage for some valuable and interesting test cases in the future, particularly around security. You should consider adding CDRouter ICS to your system for testing most modern network devices.


L2GRE support and new test cases

As more and more enterprise level gateways and Wi-Fi APs are tested with CDRouter, we’ve seen more demand for tunneling and other advanced feature testing. CDRouter 11.2 adds support for the Layer 2 Generic Routing Encapsulation protocol to the Multiport add-on, complete with a set of new test cases to ensure your high-end gateways properly encapsulate and forward tunneled traffic.



DoH is a new mechanism for transporting DNS requests and responses over HTTPS. An expansion of the ideas behind DNS over TLS, devices that properly handle DNS over HTTPS and communicate with servers that support it take big steps to improve DNS reliability and end-user privacy. CDRouter 11.2 can simulate DNS over HTTPS servers and provides a set of new test cases to validate that your device supports DoH.

These plus new test cases and other feature improvements make CDRouter 11.2 a must have! You can read the full release notes for all the details.