
prpl Foundation opens Certification Working Group to promote quality prplWare implementations

May 01, 2022

The prpl Foundation, the industry community of Service Providers, OEMs, Silicon Vendors, ISVs and open-source developers committed to open-source and open-APIs in support of carrier-grade gateway CPE, has officially formed a new working group focused on developing certification programs to improve interoperability of prplWare implementations and reduce fragmentation in the ecosystem.

QA Cafe’s CTO, Tim Winters, is acting as the working group chair of the “Certification Technical Working Group”. The group will leverage CDRouter and open-source automation tools together to enable self-testing as a key element of prplWare certification.

prpl Foundation’s prplWare suite includes prplOS, an enterprise-grade software framework designed to power the next generation of WiFi routers and gateways; prplMesh, the world's first open-source Wi-Fi mesh solution; as well as the high-level APIs and management interfaces that allow operators to realize these solutions in their networks. The initial testing and certification program targets include:

  • High-level API support from platforms;
  • Low-level API and Board Support Package (BSP) deliverables;
  • 3rd-party apps & services that exercise the High-Level API

prpl Foundation members are encouraged to join the working group and provide their input! Companies interested in joining the prpl Foundation can learn more here or reach out to Shelly Coen.